Allett Lawn Academy Testimonials

We take a look at some testimonials from our past attendees at the Allett Lawn Academy. Our next course will be held on 7th October 2024 at Ingestre Park Golf Club. Book your place here


Alex, Apprentice Greenkeeper at Woodhall Spar Golf Club:

"I wanted to gain knowledge about the machines, as I hadn't used them before. It was great to see the machines in a professional lawn care setting, different from what I've experienced in professional sports. The renovation part was particularly enjoyable, and I definitely recommend this course to anyone especially young enthusiasts."



Costas, Novice Gardener from Raynes Park:

"As a beginner, I wanted to increase my knowledge of lawn care, from types of grass to topdressing and scarifying. The practical sessions were invaluable—there's no substitute for hands-on experience. This course is invaluable for gardeners of any level, whether professional, semi-professional, or just starting out."


Dick Strover from Suffolk:

"I came to the course to learn more about lawn care, especially since I supervise a professional groundsman at my croquet club but felt I lacked knowledge. The most interesting part of the day was learning about fertilisers, top dressing and how to manage soil pH. I also found the hands-on experience with deep scarification and aerating very useful. It was a fun and informative day, filled with great conversations not just about lawns but about life in general. I'd highly recommend this course, especially if you own or are thinking of buying an Allett machine—I've owned one for about eight years and this day was incredibly useful."


Peter from Quainton, Buckinghamshire:

"As a new lawn enthusiast, I wanted to learn more about how to care for and maintain my lawn beyond just cutting the grass. My favorite part of the day was the practical work outside with Richard, learning how to scarify, aerate, and top dress a lawn to bring it back to life. It's been a really informative day, filled with like-minded people and good fun. I'd absolutely recommend this course to anyone with an interest in lawn care."


Adrian from Sussex:

"I've been interested in lawns since I was 10 years old, and today I came to learn about different grasses, fertilizers, and soil types for leveling my lawn. I’ve really enjoyed learning about the different applications and techniques. The whole day has been fantastic—I've loved every part of it, including the lunch! It was great to meet people from different walks of life, sharing their experiences and tips. I've already recommended the course to someone who’s eager to join the next session."


John Banks from Rayne, Essex:
"My passion for lawn care started as a child watching my dad use a cylinder mower. Now, with a nice garden at home, I wanted to deepen my understanding of grass care, including cutting techniques, fertiliser regimes, and addressing common grass problems. My favourite part of the day was definitely testing the mowers. The course has been very educational with great demonstrations and a lot of useful information. I’d recommend this day to anyone, whether you're a novice or a professional lawn care provider."


Paul from Redhill:
"As a gardener and golfer, I’ve always been intrigued by the quality of golf course greens compared to my own garden. I wanted to learn how to elevate my lawn to that level. My favourite part of the day was seeing how the Allet mowers can perform the tasks of multiple pieces of equipment. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to take their lawn care to the next level, whether you’re a homeowner, professional, or interested in joining a golf club. It’s a great opportunity to learn a lot."


Steven Williamson from Pilling, South of Lancaster:
"I got into lawn care about seven years ago after dealing with a moss infestation, and I’ve been passionate about it ever since. I currently use an Allet Kensington 20B, which I absolutely love. Today, I wanted to solidify my existing knowledge and see the next level of equipment, like the Stirling mower. The course confirmed and expanded what I’ve learned from reading and online videos. Rich’s insights were particularly valuable—he’s a great communicator and very open to questions. My favourite part was the theoretical aspects, as I’m already familiar with the practical side. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in lawn care; I’m definitely coming back for the advanced level."


Jason from Swansea, Wales:
"Working for the National Trust, I wanted to enhance my knowledge of lawn care techniques and tips, both for my current role and for possibly starting my own business. The course provided many handy techniques and insights into the lawn care sector. My favourite part was getting hands-on experience in the garden with Richard, who has years of expertise. Learning about the practical aspects, like scarifying and using different machines, was incredibly valuable, as was the theoretical knowledge that goes beyond what you might expect as an amateur gardener. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in gardening, horticulture, or lawn care—it’s a great opportunity to learn something new."


Alex from Able Alex Limited:
"I attended the course to expand my knowledge on lawn care and renovations, including testing pH levels. The day has been very informative and valuable. My favourite part was the comprehensive coverage of topics from start to finish and the opportunity to network with others in the industry, including those involved in private and commercial gardens. I would highly recommend this course to others. I’m even considering sending a couple of my staff members to broaden their understanding of different machinery and techniques, as the course provided exposure to a range of tools and equipment, including both petrol and battery-powered mowers."


Josh Staunton from Staunts on the Grass:
"After 12 years in professional football, I developed a passion for lawn care and decided to start my own business focusing on high-maintenance gardens and sports pitches. I attended the course to deepen my knowledge and see the Allet tools in action. My favourite part of the day was definitely getting hands-on with the Allet Stirling—I'm a big fan of Allet and loved trying out the equipment. Meeting people with similar interests and learning from Richard, whom I consider a fountain of wisdom, was also a highlight. I’d recommend this course to others, though it might be best to wait for better weather. Despite the conditions, it was a fantastic day full of valuable insights and networking opportunities."


Ken James from Blackpool:
"After retiring from BA Systems and finding myself bored, I started doing gardening work for friends and discovered a passion for it. I attended the course to gain more knowledge and try out different equipment. The course met my expectations and was very enjoyable. My favourite part was using the equipment and listening to Richard, who challenged my preconceived notions about lawn care and provided new insights. I also appreciated the opportunity to network with others in the industry. Despite some initial logistical challenges getting here, the day was well worth it. I would definitely recommend this course to others, especially those who are passionate about lawn care and want to deepen their understanding."


Matt from Livingstone Garden Services:
"I’ve been running my own lawn care business for about 10 months after starting with greenkeeping. I came to the course to expand my knowledge, learn new techniques, and understand the theory behind grass care. My favourite part was seeing the renovation of a golf green, which was great for comparing methods with my previous experiences. The free lunch was also a highlight! The course offered valuable classroom instruction and hands-on practice with Allet equipment. I’d definitely recommend it for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of lawn care and gain practical experience."


Ian Ditchfield

I was initially apprehensive  about coming on the course but found the day fascinating and engaging.I really appreciated the mix of amateurs and professionals, which led to some really diverse discussions. I left with some valuable insights, particularly about soil structure and seed selection


Chris Griffin

    • I was really impressed by the quick-change cartridge system on the Kensington mower and interested in the Stirling model.I could really see the personal touch in Allet’s product development based on customer feedback being used to make changes to products and the design of new products. I found the balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application very beneficial and would highly recommend the course for anyone interested in lawn care from novices to seasoned professionals.


Note we are also running our first LEVEL 2 course on 8th October 2024. You are welcome to come to both days. You must have completed LEVEL 1 in order to attend LEVEL 2 as this is a progressive course.
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