World Cancer Day- The Eve Appeal- Pink Mowers
In the UK, 55 women are diagnosed and 21 die each and every day from a gynaecological cancer – yet funding and awareness of these diseases remains low. The Eve Appeal are determined to change this and fight women’s cancers by funding research focused on developing effective methods of risk prediction, earlier detection, and improved treatment and care that will ultimately save women’s lives not only in the UK but around the world.
An interesting fact you may not know
Back in 2014 Allett produced 22 pink lawn mowers to raise funds for The Eve Appeal. The mower itself was a pink version of the already popular Allett Sandringham 14E.
Since then Allett have continued fundraising for cancer charities with collection boxes as well as Managing Director Austin Jarrett running the Marathon Des Sables for the Eve Appeal and various other Ultra Marathon events for other cancer charities close to his heart. Who knows we may well do this again in the future!