Ensure your lawn looks perfect all year round by checking out our top tips. Month by month steps to achieving a luscious lawn! UK climate only
January Lawncare Tips
- If there is any frost about, the advice is to keep off the grass; you can bruise the plant and leave unsightly black footprints which can turn brown as the grass leaf dies.
- If it looks like it is going to snow (it’s January after all), and you are concerned that the snow will affect the lawn, then Turf Hardeners or iron based fertilisers can be used to ‘toughen’ the grass and keep any fungal diseases such as Snow Mold at bay.
- Leaf and debris collection should continue when conditions allow. If leaf litter is left, it will stop the light from getting to the grass underneath, and as the nights have drawn in, the grass will need all the light it can get. If you are going to mow your lawn make sure conditions aren't too wet and make sure you are mowing at a high height of cut. DO NOT MOW if there are frosts due. January is a good time to aerate your lawn. Aeration can help with drainage and with loosening compact ground. This all contributes to the health of your grass over winter.
February Lawncare Tips
- We’ve had a mixture of weather in January with frosts, snow and milder wetter weather but nights are starting to get lighter. As with any frosts, those with fine lawns should wait until the frost has lifted before going on. You can bruise the grass, leaving unsightly black footprints in the lawn which can turn brown as the grass leaf dies.

- If temperatures are mild enough you can mow on a high setting but only mow when the grass is dry. You could use the time to re-cut lawn edges using a half-moon edging iron or flat-bladed spade to neaten up the appearance of the garden and save work next season.
- Look out for waterlogging – to improve drainage, spike problem areas with a garden fork, then brush a mix of sharp sand and loam into the holes.
- Worm casts are a sign of healthy soil but if you don’t like them on your lawn, brush them off with a hard broom once they dry out or use your Allett brush cartridge (top tip- replace your front roller with your auxiliary wheel kit to stop smearing).
- Mole activity tends to increase in January and February due to mating and nest building. Remove the largest ones and re-firm the soil before re-seeding in spring.
- If it looks like it is going to snow and you are concerned that the snow will affect the lawn then Turf Hardeners or iron-based fertilisers can be used to ‘toughen’ the lawn and to keep any fungal diseases such as Snow Mould at bay.
- Yellow or brown patches at this time of year may be caused by the fungal disease fusarium patch especially in wet weather and in overfed lush lawns that have been left a bit too long. You can rake, aerate and fertilise as long as the weather allows.
- Leaf and debris collection should continue when conditions allow. If leaf litter is left, it will stop the light from getting to the grass underneath.
- Please don’t forget about arranging to have your mower serviced. At the very least, wash it down and grease or oil the working parts; if it’s a petrol mower, please remove any remaining petrol as this can go stale. Organising your mower to be serviced by an authorised dealer is far preferable.
March Lawncare Tips
•It's been a very wet January and February. I hope this doesn’t continue into March otherwise we’ll be having a delayed start to the season.
• Firstly, clear any debris that may have occurred after the rains and then lightly aerate the surface of the lawn with a garden fork or machine if you can; this will improve oxygen levels and help rain and any water move off the surface and though the soil profile. These aeration holes are also very useful for re-seeding any areas of the lawn that have either died off or have thinned. Don't reseed until the frosts have gone.
• For a lot of us, the wet January will have caused our lawns to suffer from lack of light and waterlogging which will have encouraged lots of moss growth.
• If moss is showing through the grass then moss control can be achieved with the use of Iron based fertilisers; these feeds can either be soluble or granular types. This will ‘blacken’ the moss initially and then kill it. I would then look to remove the dead moss with a rake or even better your Scarifier cartridge. Make sure there is no frost around before you do this. Don't go on your lawn if it's still wet either as you will churn it up.
• Once the dead moss has been removed, look to reseed any areas that need it and then fertilise the whole lawn- again make sure there are no frosts around. We would recommend using a slow-release fertiliser which, with regular mowing, will help thicken up the lawn again.
April Lawncare Tips
May Lawncare Tips
- After a fairly wet April we’re all looking forward to some decent drier weather. May is a fantastic time to give your lawn the care it needs to flourish throughout the summer months. As temperatures begin to rise, the grass will start growing at a faster rate, and with the right maintenance, your lawn can look beautifully healthy.
- It would make sense to take advantage of the wet weather to fertilise the lawn, and give it chance to recover from any wear and tear or spring renovations that may have been done earlier.
- If you do fertilise your lawn, try using a slow-release fertiliser that will help keep the lawn green longer without too much top growth.
- You should be mowing at least once per week ideally twice as we move into the peak growing period. Little and often is the key. Make sure you are not cutting off more than a third of the grass plant height at any one time
- Don’t forget to trim the lawn edges, as and when required, with edging shears to keep them looking neat and tidy.
- Look to pull up isolated weeds or carry out spot treatment with a proprietary lawn weed killer Note: make sure the weed killer is suitable for grass, otherwise, you will kill the grass as well as the weeds.
- If you still have any moss in the lawn, it can be controlled with the use of Iron Sulphate, either in a liquid or granular form. This will turn the moss black, and then it should start to die off not long after. Afterwards, lightly scarify to remove the dead moss and allow the grass the chance to recolonize the mossed areas. You should be scarifying with your spring rake cartridge AT LEAST once a month.
- Please keep an eye on any seedlings and be prepared to water if we don’t get rain for a while. It doesn’t make sense to do all that work and then let the seed die.

June Lawncare Tips

- We have had some better growing conditions recently with a bit of sunshine, mild temperatures and also a lot of rain around so hopefully your grass is looking good. Your lawn needs 25mm a week to survive or approx 3mm-4mm a day so bare this in mind if we have a dry spell... IF!
- To maintain a high standard please mow on a more regular basis, at least twice per week. The height of cut should now be at the summer height of cut between 15-20mm.
- We would recommend applying a slow release fertiliser at this time of year. This allows the lawn to maintain its colour while encouraging a manageable amount of growth.
- As previously mentioned, the height of cut should be between 15 - 20mm. Lawns that are uniformly level and thatch free can be mowed at a height less than 15mm.
- Continue to trim lawn edges as and when required with edging shears (or even better an edger) to keep them looking neat and tidy.
- Continue to pull up isolated weeds or carry out spot treatment with a proprietary lawn weed killer Note: make sure the weed killer is suitable for grass, otherwise you will kill the grass as well as the weeds.
July Lawncare Tips
- With the recent drier and warmer weather our lawns will be getting a bit drier. As the grass is in the process of recovering from the hotter weather experienced in June you will need to be watering more often (click here)
- Continue to trim the edges of the lawn as necessary. Maintain the mowing height between 15-20mm. Currently there appears to be a prevalence of red thread, a fungal disease that turns the grass a reddish/pink colour. This issue can be resolved by feeding the grass with fertilisers or using chemical fungicides.
August Lawncare Tips
July has witnessed a decent amount of rainfall with lawns managed to stay green, an unusual occurrence during this season. In times of drought it's wise to ensure that you water your lawn thoroughly either in the early morning or late evening to minimise water loss due to evaporation. Opt for deep and infrequent watering instead of shallow and frequent sessions to promote the development of deep roots.
September Lawncare Tips
October Lawncare Tips
- The weather definitely has an autumnal feel to it now with cool mornings and heavy dews. And as those day and night time temperatures fall, so will the soil temperatures; so if you haven’t started your autumn renovations, I would before it’s too late. The milder temperatures will help with germination.
- Scarification is necessary as thatch (the build-up of excess organic matter on the surface of the soil) will hold water on the surface like a sponge, encouraging the proliferation of moss and reducing the need for the grass to develop a deep root base. This makes the grass plant less tolerant of dry weather as the roots cannot find moisture. Thatch can also harbour turf diseases such Fusarium.
- Aerate the lawn with either solid or hollow tines. The alleviation of compaction in the surface will allow the movement of both air and water though the top layer of the turf. This helps with drainage and therefore helping to prevent moss, and also encourages root development. When hollow tining, the cores will have to be removed; these can either be disposed of or recycled as a dressing for the spring or next autumn.
- Re-seed the lawn, not only where the grass is thin or patchy, but also as a way of adding newer more vigorous grasses into the sward.
- Top dress the lawn with a soil/sand mix to cover the recently applied seed and to remove dips and hollows from the lawn. Once applied, use the back of a garden rake to level off the dressing. Do not bury the grass, always ensure that it is showing through the top dressing otherwise you can ‘suffocate’ and kill the grass beneath it.
- Raise the height of cut after renovations to 30-40mm; any lower and you encourage the build-up of moss within the lawn. The less light that can get to base of the sward the less moss spores that are able to germinate.
- Fertilise the lawn with an autumn/winter fertiliser; these are usually low in Nitrogen but have a higher amount of Phosphate and Potash than summer feeds. These latter two nutrients help with root development and strengthen the plant cell walls, therefore allowing the turf to go into winter stronger and healthier. It would be a good idea to apply iron to your lawn to help it get through the winter.
- This is also the time that trees shed their leaves, so leaf collection should be done at regular intervals. If leaf litter is left on the lawn it can kill the grass beneath it. You can use your scarifier or brush cartridge to pick up leaves.
- Continue to trim lawn edges as and when required to keep them looking neat and tidy. Find your nearest Allett Dealer
November Lawncare Tips
- After a mild and wet October some of your lawns will be rather wet! Regularly aerating your lawn would be a good idea. To improve drainage, spike the lawn with a garden fork or mechanical aerator.
- Most of the leaves have yet to fall, though once we have a frost this should accelerate the process; it’s important that you collect these regularly, especially if you reseeded this autumn. If leaves are left, they will smother the new grass leaving dead patches that moss will colonise, and you’ll be back to square one. Use your scarifier or brush cartridge in your Allett mower to pick these up.
- Your autumn renovations should now have been completed and the lawn can be left to regenerate at its own pace. The recent mild weather and rain should have helped with this however some of your may not have been able to do this with the heavy rainfall. If you haven't renovated yet be aware of frosts as you don't want cold weather if you are seeding.
- If you need to fertilise the lawn, please use an autumn/winter fertiliser; these are usually low in Nitrogen but have a higher amount of Phosphate and Potash than summer feeds. These two last nutrients help with root development and strengthen the plant’s cell walls, therefore allowing the turf to go into winter with stronger and healthier plants. N.B a slow-release fertiliser would be better, as this will slowly introduce the nutrients into the ground over the 3 months or so of its life rather than a sudden flush of growth which could encourage lawn diseases such as Fusarium.

- Also, fertilisers with high iron content can also be used to harden the grass and help prevent moss. N.B Please ensure when using these types of fertilisers that any granules that come into contact with stone or light paving are brushed off as soon as possible as the iron can stain, leaving it covered with pink/orange dots.
- If you do need to cut the grass, please raise your mower’s height of cut so it is between 30-40mm; any lower and you encourage the build-up of moss within the lawn.
- Continue to trim lawn edges, if you already haven’t done so, with edging shears to keep them looking neat and tidy.
- Also prune back any herbaceous plants that are over hanging the lawn or which may do so once the growing season starts again in the new year. These obscure the light to the lawn creating unsightly bald patches and can encourage moss or weeds.
- If the grass has a frost, I recommend that you wait until it lifts before going onto the grass as the foot fall can damage the grass, leaving ‘black’ footprints within the sward.
- Algae can appear on lawns with poor drainage or excessive shade, or under the drip-line of trees. Yellow or brown patches at this time of year may be caused by the fungal disease fusarium patch, especially in wet weather and in overfed, lush lawns that have been left a bit too long.
December Lawncare Tips